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Rewritten post- To tweet or not to tweet at all? Is a question that stands in todays society.

Writer's picture: allyssagerace282allyssagerace282

Updated: Sep 23, 2019

Twitter is one aspect of social media that I feel is a valuable networking system for teachers to communicate with one another as well as students. I have quite a strong passion towards tweeting as it is a sufficient way of allowing growth to occur.

Twitter was introduced to me in COMMS140 where I learnt about the benefits it brought not just within the classroom but between teachers and how they communicate and share ideas. The teachers of COMMS140 all have a twitter account where they communicate thoughts and ideas that they think will be beneficial to share. Experiencing this within my class encouraged me to make a twitter account of my own to communicate with individuals that share the same thoughts and ideas, while also connecting with my teachers ideas and thoughts to build my twitter account as well as developing my resources through Colleagues and teachers for my future teaching career.

Twitter is a platform that is effective as discussed through O'Neil through the national education association, "once you get the hang of it, says O’Neal, Twitter is an easy, time-friendly way of connecting with other educators and engaging your students". Showing the large acceptance with twitter as it is easy and successful in communicating with both teachers as well as students. Not only is twitter a great asset for the communication process, but, it "provides many benefits as other social media but much faster", establishing the effectiveness in accessing resources quickly, allowing the growth of professional development. PLN's also known as professional learning theory, assists educators in accessing " work-related ideas with a network of colleagues via various digital communications" allowing the advancement in an individuals professional practice.

As a future pre service teacher, I feel that twitter will have an effective impact on me as I will be able to gain resources and communicate with so many individuals to enhance my knowledge and ensure I am ready for my future as a teacher. This will also allow for me to enhance my own growth of professional development and gain all the resources I need for my future teaching career.


Can Tweeting Help Your Teaching?Twitter won't change your life, but it might make your job more fun and a little easier[online article].

Retrieved from

Perez, L. (2012). Innovative Professional Development. Knowledge Quest, 40(3), 20-22. Retrieved from

Original Blog Post




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